Simple display, black on white Colored display on black background With headers and footers, unusual bond coloring and hidden embedded image data
Image from SMILES converter Image from SMILES converter Image from SMILES converter
Simple substructure matching and highlighting - and as PNG image, not GIF With superatoms, partial superatom expansion, and selected atom highlighting An inline compressed Molfile with 2D-coordinates as structure source instead of SMILES, a larger coordinate scaling, and a cropped variable-size image with a 2-pixel border.
Image from SMILES converter test image test image

Note that this file format contains atom plot coordinates - a recomputed drawing would have the nitrogen in the standard position!

We can plot reactions from Reaction SMILES or RXN files, too! And now annotated with a computed CIP stereo descriptor!
Image from SMILES converter
Here we have a molecule in a standard computed orientation We are going to use these templates with preset coordinates to align it. Note that templates cannot just rotate a structure (first example), but also change the overall layout (second example) The same structure, but now aligned according to two different templates
And this is an intentionally provoked error: